Monday, 4 May 2015

Flying Cars Have Arrived. So What?

This week, Dutch company Pal-V announced it was putting its much-ballyhooed flying car on sale. The Pal-V is actually more of a flying three-wheeled motorcycle than a flying car, but the point is it's a street-legal vehicle than can become airborne. So if you happen to have a spare $300,000 and 30 hours to devote to earning your sport pilot license, you too can enjoy the flying car of the future now.


The cost of the Pal-V may prove prohibitive for the average consumer, but that’s okay, because the average consumer doesn’t need a flying car, nor should they want one. Despite what we like to imagine about flying cars freeing up traffic and lifting the smog away from our fruited plains, and despite what films like Blade RunnerBack to the Future, and Chitty Chitty Bang Bang portrayed, airborne automobiles are not a practical means of transportation.

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